

Q: Who are you?
A: Hi! I'm Emily, a blogger of all things fabulous that strike my fancy.

Q: Where are you from? 
A: I was born and raised in a suburb just outside of Milwaukee, Wisconsin but I currently am living in Orlando, Florida.

Q: What do you do when you aren't blogging?
A: I'm a full-time student enrolled at the University of Missouri-Columbia (MIZ!) and am currently completing a Spring Disney College Program with the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. I also intern for the fabulous Wear to Go Girls, a newly launched fashion website.

Q: Wait - how old are you? 
A: I'm eighteen - my birthday is at the end of May.

Q: What are you favorite blogs/websites? 
A: Ahh, I have way to many to list here! Keep your eye out for a blogroll (coming soon!) - let's just say I'm a bit internet obsessed.

Q: Who takes your photos - and what kind of camera is used? 
A: Unless properly noted, I've taken every photo featured on this blog. I'm considering chasing a career in photojournalism, so I like to practice as much as possible. 95% of the time, I use my DSLR - a Canon Digital Rebel 300D that I bought on Craigslist last summer (AKA my baby and best friend). The other 5% of the time, I use a used little aqua Kodak point-and-shoot I picked up for forty bucks (what a steal!).

Q: I've got a question that wasn't answered here - how can I contact you? 
A: Feel free to leave a comment on any post, or you can email me at

Q: Alright, I've got a question for you - how can you have a FAQ when you're brand-new to blogging? 
A: Ahh! You caught me - it's not quite a compilation of frequently asked questions - but QIAABNOHAMTY (Questions I Anticipate Answering But No One Has Asked Me Them Yet ) doesn't quite roll off the tongue.